Mark is the main function of gitmark. It has a prerequisite on GENESIS and with these two oprations you are able to create robust git repos recorded in time, and identifiable globally.
A mark is a marking of the underlying block chain with an on-chain committment
The transaction is tweeked with the new git hash, according to CRYPTO
In essense, this proves the chain is following the github repo and provides a timestamp server
In order to create a two-way relationship the repo also follows the chain by recording the most recent transaction object (txo) in a well known location.
The txo well known location is in the directory .txo
In there is a file txo.txt which is of the form:
<txo_uri> <balance>
The balance is an amount in satoshis
In this way, the chain follows the repository, and the repository follows the chain, leading to a robust, auditable, time-stamping solution using Git and blockchains. This approach prevents double-spending by ensuring that the repository and the blockchain are in sync with each other.